How to Become an Accredited Investor
Investing in startups is risky, so many countries have regulations in place to protect people from making risky investments that would put them in a very difficult financial situation should they lose most, or all of their capital. Most Countries Require One of the Below: High Earnings ($200,000 plus, or Spousal Income of $300,0000 plus each year) $1 Million Net Worth (excluding primary residence) Holds a Series 7, or Series 65 license *Insider tip, a series 65 is easier and cheaper, as the series 7 exam requires a referral, is a longer exam and more expensive READ: How do I Get Licensed? When you’re an accredited investor, you are able to invest in: Venture Capital Angel Investing Private Equity Funds Hedge Funds Real Estate Investment Funds Many investment platforms, such as Angel List, have a process to verify that you are eligible to be an accredited investor, before you canRead More »How to Become an Accredited Investor